volunteer Placement in Mindelheim

Retirement home

St. Georg retirement home

There is a position for one volunteer in the nursing home St. Georg in Mindelheim.


Kindergarten St. Stephan

The children day-care centre St. Stephan offers a place for one volunteer.

Day-care centre Johann Baptist Luxenhofer

There is one place for a volunteer in the kindergarten Johann Baptist Luxenhofer

Marcellin-Champagnat kindergarten

One volunteer can help in the Marcellin-Chanpagnat daycare facility for children.

Youth Work

Kreisjugendring Unterallgäu

The youth association in the area Unterallgäu offers one place for a volunteer.

Marist Brothers

Marist youth education centre

The Marist Brothers are looking for one Volunteer to help in their Marist youth education centre


Marist College

In a special collaboration with other Marist schools in Europe, the Maristenkolleg Mindelheim offers a spot for one volunteer