Kindertagesstätte Johann Baptist Luxenhofer
The day-care centre Johann Baptist Luxenhofer is taking care of 84 children and 39 toddlers. It is open from 7:00 to 16:30. The volunteer will support the child care workers in their daily tasks.
The children can have lunch in our own dining room without disturbance. Each group room has its own adjoining room and various, individually designed play and activity areas, e.g. a doll and toy block corner, a table for painting and crafting, a dining area and a child-friendly kitchen unit.
There are various other rooms and areas for free play and open occupation as well as guided activities. We offer a gym, an exercise room with a ball pool and a room dedicated to language learning. On each floor the children will find restrooms suitable for children. We also have a well-equipped in-house library with various children’s books and textbooks as well as a well-stocked workshop with tools and workbenches.
Our amply laid out garden with many very old trees is divided into two areas. On one side you will find the garden for the daycare center with toys for children less than 3 years of age and on the other side you will find the garden for the kindergarten children with toys for children above 3 years of age. In this area we also have a raised bed for plants which is used by both kindergarten and daycare groups. In addition a special feature of our facility is our outdoor pool which sees extensive use during summer months.
Guiding principles
To have children is the most exciting adventure we can experience. It is the toughest job and the biggest challenge we can think of and at the same time the most rewarding experience. Every child is a young person we respect as much as we expect to be respected ourselves. We take a step back and accompany the children as observers in their autonomous development and provide the right education tools at the right time. Together with the children, we explore the mysteries of the world. On our shared path to the future, we want to make children strong today for the requirements of tomorrow.
Experience Reflection of our volunteers

My Journey in Mindelheim
As my journey in Germany is coming to a close, all I can honestly say is that it has been an eye-opening experience and so