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First Reflection

  • Beitrags-Kategorie:Nyasha

It has been an amazing first month in Germany. I got to be part of a great host family who went out
of their way to make my first month very comfortable. At first I thought it would be hard getting used
to being so far away from home and also adjusting to a totally different environment and culture, but
it has been a good experience so far. My workplace is good. My colleagues are more than happy to
help me with the language and getting through to the children. The kids themselves have been
patient and understanding and it has been really fun having to be a part of then. Its pretty amazing
how much spoken language can do for a person but also I have come to appreciate how much
actions can speak volumes too.

We had to attend a BFD seminar in the 3rd week and my first feeling was "oh this will be a wasted
week" but that turned out to be quite interesting and amazing too. It was great how the facilitators
also were able to translate most of the discussions for us not to be completely lost. The topics were
very practical and it was great how they were illustrated, theoretically and practically. We discussed
issues around death, trauma, addiction etc which are things most of us volunteers have to deal with
in our work places.

Nyahsa in June, 2019