I had very few expectations for how living in Germany and working at a Senior home would feel – though I came with an understanding of the fact that social norms and cultures would be different, I was unsure of how I would personally settle into this new space. I can happily say that I am pleased with both life in Germany and my volunteering. Living in a small town has been a big adjustment for me but at the same time, having so much time alone has truly reignited my desire to learn and to grow internally.
I finally have time to write and make art without the constant pressure of school. Working at the senior home has come with challenges and though I may feel nearly too tired at the end of the day or the week at times – my love for my work shines through and is the most important part of my job to me. Often with volunteering, there is the idea that you are helping the less fortunate, therefore coming to Germany and working with people who face different struggles to what one would traditionally try to help with could have been jarring, but the realisation I had that Ido in fact have an impact in their lives and do provide comfort to those who are often forgotten by
society – this is a helpful motivation to keep doing my best.
Didi Mogodi